The open secret of our success is speed and serious calculation.
We invite you to test our efficiency!
The foreign medicines are imported on a provisional basis on behalf of the respective pharmacy, cleared through customs and forwarded to the parties placing the order.
Our employees process inquiries and orders quickly and unbureaucratically and speak several foreign languages.
Market share
Approximately half of the German pharmacies are among our customers.
We are proud of this market share.
Change in the management
Step by step, our company founder Dr. Bernd Miller has passed the baton over the last few years. For reasons of age, a soft transition was chosen.
Thus, Dr. Miller has reduced his working hours more and more, but is still available for individual consultations with his huge know-how.

Updating our homepage
After a re-design of our homepage was carried out in March 2020, the year 2021 will be marked by the updating of all information. Do you have any suggestions or wishes – please just write to us… >Contact
November 2021

Our company was spun off from the "Internationalen Apotheke" in Stuttgart in 1982 for legal and organizational reasons.
At the beginning of the 1980s, the order intake swelled to such an extent that it became necessary to spin off the foreign sector to serve pharmacies. This is how the wholesale of foreign medicinal specialties was registered.
From top to bottom: 1791, 1852, 1935, 1944.
19th century
As early as the 19th century, foreign prescriptions were prepared in the "Internationale Apotheke" according to foreign pharmacopoeias, e.g. for spa guests at the Cannstatt spa. Later, foreign finished medicines replaced the individually prepared prescriptions.
In the course of time
Over time, supra-regional German pharmacies made use of the "know-how" of the Stuttgart "Internationalen Apotheke" and obtained their foreign medicines.